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1.    Metodologi Audit Teknologi Informasi Dalam pelaksanaanya, auditor TI mengumpulkan bukti-bukti yang memadai melalui berbagai teknik termasuk survey, wawancara, observasi dan review dokumentasi. Satu hal yang unik, bukti-bukti audit yang diambil oleh auditor biasanya mencakup pula bukti elektronis. Biasanya, auditor TI menerapkan teknik audit berbantuan computer, disebut juga dengan CAAT (Computer Aided Auditing Technique). Teknik ini digunakan untuk menganalisa data, misalnya saja data transaksi  penjualan, pembelian, transaksi aktivitas persediaan, aktivitas nasabah, dan lain-lain. -         Tahap-tahap Audit teknologi Informasi Audit Sistem Informasi dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai macam tahap-tahap. Tahap-tahap audit terdiri dari 5 tahap sebagai berikut : 1.    Tahap Pemeriksaan Pendahuluan. Sebelum auditor menentukan sifat dan luas pengujian yang harus dilakukan, auditor harus memahami bisnis auditi (kebijakan, struktur organisasi, dan praktik yang dilakukan). Setelah


1.    Pengertian audit teknologi informasi Audit Teknologi Informasi adalah bentuk pengawasan dan pengendalian dari infrastruktur teknologi informasi secara menyeluruh. Audit teknologi informasi ini dapat berjalan bersama-sama dengan audit finansial dan audit internal, atau dengan kegiatan pengawasan dan evaluasi lain yang sejenis. Pada mulanya istilah ini dikenal dengan audit pemrosesan data elektronik, dan sekarang audit teknologi informasi secara umum merupakan proses pengumpulan dan evaluasi dari semua kegiatan sistem informasi dalam perusahaan itu. Istilah lain dari audit teknologi informasi adalah audit komputer yang banyak dipakai untuk menentukan apakah aset sistem informasi perusahaan itu telah bekerja secara efektif, dan integratif dalam mencapai target organisasinya. 2.    Sejarah audit teknologi informasi Audit IT yang pada awalnya lebih dikenal sebagai EDP Audit  (Electronic Data Processing) telah mengalami perkembangan yang pesat. Perkembangan Audit IT ini didorong

HireMatch – Decentralized Employee Recruitment Platform

HireMatch... HireMatch it’s a DApp (Decentralization Application) Marketplace for hire employees via internet like online shop. By using P2P decentralization to make it easier find Employees through this App. HireMatch's Mission... HireMatch has a mission to revolutionize and disrupt the recruitment industry by improving the current job marketplace quality worldwide, reduce the costs across the board, increase employee quality and create a community of people. Via our (HIRE) Token, we will implement a democratization of the job market. By using and implementing this platform, agents will receive rewards in the form of (HIRE) tokens, giving power back to the people and away from large corporate job boards. Our ultimate goal isn’t to compete directly with other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, but rather to provide a solution and support for the current woes in the job board and recruitment industry. Click Image for Zoom Acme Software is growing fast and

Where A.I Does Business [HUT-34]

This time I will show you details the scope and vision of the Hut34 Project. The project aims to build and provide the technological and economic infrastructure to power the growth of the open global knowledge economy. Its objective is to build a digital services ecosystem, in which each and every participant has access to the collected data, information, knowledge, services and intelligence of the entire network, a system that encourages participation from end users whilst incentivising and fairly rewarding developers and producers for their contributions and efforts.  HUT34 is... We call it the Hut34 Network, or simply, Hut34. Built on the Ethereum blockchain, and harnessing emergent technologies, the ERC20 compliant Entropy Token (ENT) is the native currency for transacting in this ecosystem of connected services. We are in the midst of massive and accelerating digital and lifestyle change. Global population growth, mass adoption of digital lifestyles, an

Easy Payment With UAHPAY Cryptocurrency Card

Cryptocurrencies have the power to transform Nation’s and the current finance system as we know it today. UAHPay has been developed as a Ukrainian Cryptocurrency, ICO trading platform and Cryptobank. Ukraine is in the midst of a devastating financial crisis and struggles to cope with the fallout from Crimea’s recent Annexation by Russia UAHPay... UAHPay was founded by blockchain specialists with strong Cryptography and development skills. Already successful in the online space the founders of UAHPay have now set their ambitions to changing a Nation and restoring trust in the banking system. Using existing blockchain technology and fiat platforms already in place we seek to provide a Cryptobank, ICO trading platform for Ukraine and the World.  About the UAHPay Card... In order to receive the UAHPay card, our customers must download the UAHPay IOS or Android App from one of the applicable stores and go through our onboarding process which includes information verificat